Coach Education
Coaching on the Trail
Cost: Included with MiSCA coach registration (online)
Time: Approximately 30 Minutes
Coaches that review this material will feel capable of assisting ride leaders during group rides.
Preparing to coach on the trail
- Pre-riding trails
- What’s in your pack?
- Basic first-aid & CPR training
- Developing an Emergency Action Plan (EAP)
- Emergency Contact list
- Incident response
- Incident report form
Ride Leading
- Bike Safety Check
- Helmet Check
- Assessing riders
- Safety Talk
- Ride leading best practices
- Trail Etiquette
- Incident response
- Reflection
All coaches must review the Coaching on the Trail study guide and pass the Quiz.
 MiSCA will verify completion and upload results into our registration system on a weekly basis.
Essential MTB Skills Course
Cost: Included with MiSCA coach registration (in-person)
Time: Approximately 4 Hours
Prerequisite: Coaching on the Trail
Coaches that attend the training will feel capable of teaching their student-athletes the Essential Skills.
- Coaches will be able to set up a skills instruction session
- Coaches will be able to teach and demonstrate the Essential Skills
- Coaches will be able to detect rider errors and provide appropriate corrections
Skills Included:
- Neutral and Ready Position
- Braking
- Side to Side Bike/Body Separation
- Forward and Back Bike/Body Separation
- Intro to Cornering
- Tight Turns
- Shifting
- Climbing
- Seated climbing
- Crouched climbing
- Standing climb
- Climbing Dismount
- Climbing Restart
- Descending Dismount
Find coach education through our events listing. MiSCA will process your completion in our registration system and send you a certificate via email.
Intermediate MTB Skills Course
Cost: Included with MiSCA coach registration (in-person)
Time: Approximately 4 Hours
Prerequisite: Essential MTB Skills (can be completed on the same day immediately before)
Coaches that attend the training will feel capable of teaching their student-athletes the Intermediate Skills.
- Coaches will be able to set up a skills instruction session
- Coaches will be able to teach and demonstrate the Intermediate Skills
- Coaches will be able to detect rider errors and provide appropriate corrections
Skills Included:
- 3 Essentials
- Progression of Essential Skills (Tall and Low Ready Position, Foot Wedge, Body Wedge, Braking, Intermediate Cornering)
- Ratcheting
- Riding Straight Lines
- Rock Dodge
- Switchbacks
- Sprinting
- Bumping & Proximity Skills
- Level Lift
- Basic Front Wheel Lift
- Basic Rear Wheel Lift
- Roll Down
Find coach education through our events listing. MiSCA will process your completion in our registration system and send you a certificate via email.
Advanced MTB Skills Course
Cost: Included with MiSCA coach registration (in-person)
Time: Approximately 4 Hours
Prerequisite: Intermediate MTB Skills (can be completed on the same day immediately before)
Coaches that attend the training will feel capable of teaching their student-athletes the Advanced Skills.
- Coaches will be able to set up a skills instruction session
- Coaches will be able to teach and demonstrate the Advanced Skills
- Coaches will be able to detect rider errors and provide appropriate corrections
Skills Included:
- 3 Essentials
- Pumping
- Advanced Cornering
- Berm Cornering
- Trackstand
- Rolling Dismount
- Rolling Mount
- Manual Front Wheel Lift
- Pedaling Front Wheel Lift
- Drops
Find coach education through our events listing. MiSCA will process your completion in our registration system and send you a certificate via email.